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Monday, March 30, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I'm happy to say that Shawn will be returning home from Vegas today. Coach really enjoyed working with him and said he would definitely be putting in a good word to the big boss. This will be good and definitely offset some other Knight-like behavior that occurred earlier last year. Just kidding.

Anyway, it was a lovely weekend. I worked the Bucs' Cheerleader auditions, which is always the most entertaining part of my year. I was only not super cordial to 2 girls - but hey - they need to learn. It was a lot of fun, and I hope I get to return next year.

Other than that, I cleaned...got my hair done...met a new lovely friend named Hope. It was nothing crazy. Oh yes - went shoe shopping.

Looking forward to xp's return this evening.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Hours?

Last night, Jenn and I got back to our roots and met for our formerly long-standing tradition of Thursday night happy hour. I miss those days! We've gotten smarter in 3 years. We actually used to meet at Timpano - a lovely steak and chop house with absolutely no drink specials. We now frequent our favorite new Hyde Park hot spot - Cheap. They DO have happy hour specials on food and drink. Much more budget conscious in this economy, especially since we are both in sales.

Anyway, it was a lovely evening, and we had a blast carrying on like two giggly little school girls. I am very much looking forward to returning to this tradition, although from now on, pizza should be involved.

After happy hour, I came home to watch Duke (tank). What a depressing ending to what seemed like a promising season. While this was going on, Shawn, back in Vegas for the 3rd time this month, had a Bob Knight Special. Apparently, Coach became very impatient at the studio prior to the post-game live shots. The games were lasting longer than expected, and after waiting and waiting, Coach said "Let's GO!" and refused to sit there and wait any longer.

Maybe you did or did not notice the missing Coach commentary on the 11 o'clock Sportscenter last night. Anyway, that was a fun moment for Shawn.

Sigh. I'm ready for him to come home. This trip has been brutal. Lee keeps telling Shawn to thank him. I have a thank you for you Lee!!!

The fortunate thing for Shawn is that at least he has visitors for the weekend. Wags was kind enough to fly out from LA and re-live the days of the dynamic duo out on the town. Only this time, Shawn is the married wingman. We saw a dude last week at the Wynn pool wearing a shirt that said "Don't get excited - I'm just the wingman." I promptly went out and purchased the exact same shirt. (no, I didn't, but I meant to!)

Also, Beatrice will be in town this weekend, and she, too, is an avid college hoops fan. They will have the chance to bond at the sportsbook and watch some games.

I will be working the Buccaneers cheerleader auditions tomorrow morning. Don't get excited, I'm only working registration, but at least I get to see (intimidate) the girls as they walk in. Should be fun. Hopefully, next year, I can watch them dance.

Have a great weekend!

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eat to live or live to eat?

Today, we are going to talk about my favorite subject: food. Probably because I cannot stop thinking about it or consuming it. Either way, I have it on the brain, and so what better way to medicate myself than to discuss.

First, I would like to say a special thanks (or curse) to Heather Deskins for introducing me to the Lose It! application on the iPhone. It is basically a food diary/calorie counter application for the phone that you can take with you everywhere you and your iPhone go. You record your daily intake and calorie expenditures, and you can create your own custom foods. It basically asks for your weight and your goal, i.e. lose 1/2-1lb per week, and calculates the amount of calories you need to accomplish this by a certain date.

I had an excellent question yesterday, from Neep, and that was: Can the calories come from anything or just healthy food? Good question. I prefer to think that I can eat anything I want within my limit. Hey - baby steps! For example, on Sunday, I consumed an entire smoked salmon pizza and later that evening before boarding my plane, I had a large Burger King fries. Believe it or not, I remained under my caloric intake. This is what I call living, people.

Anyhow, I have never been one for weighing or counting calories. Probably due to the massive scarring put in place by the DCC rules for weight. Until this past Saturday, when conveniently, a scale was available in our 1000 sq. ft. bathroom at the Wynn, I had not weighed myself in at least 3 years. Fortunately, I was actually about 7 lbs. less than I thought. Maybe they rigged the scale; I prefer optimism.

Also, I would like to thank Jenn for keeping me jealously motivated by her sudden burst of energy to perform two-a-days and jog her little heart out on a daily basis. Her being so motivated reminds me of, again, days as a DCC, when we would all compete to see who could exercise more and remain off the dreaded weight list. Jenn does not know this, unless she's reading it now, but her motivation has forced me to become motivated, because if I have to go out with her fabulous self in South Tampa, I had better keep up.

South Tampa...that's a whole different subject in itself. We won't got there today, let's just say, when you live in South Tampa, you have a priority list of surgical procedures to get done.

So, keeping within the topic of food. I joined a fabulous group today. IHateCilantro.com. If you loathe the taste and smell of cilantro, then this site is for you. You can share your tales of disdain for all things cilantro-related. As well, I suggest reading this article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123446387388578461.html

Other items of food that I refuse to consume include: avocados (yes, guacamole, too, people, given that avocados are the main ingredient!), onions (but not fried), peas, and refried beans. Many of you have questioned my ethnicity when I have spouted off this list. Especially since the main ingredients in Mexican food happen to be cilantro, beans, onions, and avocados. Tortillas don't have any of these things! Neither do tamales - so there!

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Still Tired...

WARNING: The following entry really has no purpose. I'm rambling.

I'm still tired.

I didn't take a nap yesterday before Shawn got home last night. I was thinking that if I did take a nap, my body clock would be even more confused, and I would not sleep later or wake up at 2am. Thus, I decided it would be best to stay awake.


Shawn got home at around 10:45pm last night. We went to bed around 12:30am. We also took Nyquil. Oh happy day...


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Monday, March 23, 2009

Somebody put me out of my misery

I could continue my diatribe of how much I detest the Vegas airport, but quite honestly, I am way too exhausted to expend the last morsel of energy I have to do so.

Yesterday was absolutely brutal. My flight that was supposed to take off at 5:05pm, was, SURPRISE, delayed.

I have never seen so many people packed in like sardines at the Vegas airport. I mean, yes, we all know it is one of the busiest weekends of the year. Yes, we know that no matter what time of year you go to Vegas, Sunday is hectic. However, in the many times I have been to Vegas, I have never seen such a mob scene as I witnessed yesterday. I had to stop and ask myself a few times if, in fact, I was at the Tokyo airport. There were people everywhere and you literally could not move from gate to gate.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get a flight for Monday, so I had to weather the storm, suck it up, and take my flight, whenever they decided to take off, back to Tampa. I think I got in bed somewhere between 4-4:30am. I chugged some Nyquil, and passed out until 11am. Now, I am sitting at work with my eyes barely open and an odd head spinning sensation. Oh happy day.

I love Vegas....

Oh yes, I did get to meet Coach Knight yesterday. I was terrified. He couldn't have been nicer or more friendly to me, but I was still feeling scared. He also took a picture with me & Shawn. It was certainly a highlight of March Madness.

Shawn returns tonight, hopefully, in one piece, only to return to Vegas on Wednesday. God bless him.

Other highlights of the trip that I'm too exhausted to describe in detail included Le Reve - the amazing acrobatic aquatic (say that 5 times fast) show at the Wynn, and, the soon-to-be-legendary XS club at Encore. This place was unreal. I felt like I was in Monaco. Incredible.

I'm tired. More later.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Livin' Large at the Wynn

Well, we have had a highly productive Saturday thus far, courtesy of the NCAA Tourney and the Wynn Las Vegas. I arrived last night into what I consider the most clustered airport in the country. Funny how you always feel like a stick of dynamite ready to explode into the environment that is Las Vegas, but you have one giant obstacle ahead of you - the Las Vegas McCarran airport. I prefer to think of it as the gate of hell, leading into and out of Sin City.

Anyway, I made it in one piece. My flight was delayed (really? shocking!). I could strangle the flight attendant for seating a 9-year-old precocious little girl in the window seat of my row. She had 47 lbs. of candy, and enough trash to fill her own dumpster. She talked the entire time and had this plastic frog that she kept playing with and screaming "ribbit!" I suppose she represented the grim reeper, leading me to gate of hell into Sin City...so to speak.

Moving on. Shawn picked me up and we arrived at the Wynn Las Vegas. If you have never set foot in this hotel, it is all things extravegant complete with it's own Ferrari dealership and Chanel boutique. It is time to trade in the Sentra...hmmm.

We are staying in the luxurious Tower Suites complete with our own VIP check-in, concierge, and private pool. You would not believe the size of our room and this unbelieveable view with it's floor-to-ceiling windows on the 21st floor. Which, by the way, we are staying on the 21st floor and have an incredible view overlooking the 5 pools, golf course, and city. There are 60 floors. We aren't even halfway there. I can't imagine the view/nose bleeds from the top floor.

Back to the room... Is it a crime that our suite here is BIGGER than our condo? Our bathroom is about the size of our living room - no lie - that is, if you don't count the walk-in closet with its' own dresser. We have not one, but two bathrooms in the suite. Also, I have my own private vanity complete with make-up lights and TV (teevee) set. Shawn has his own sink, and I have my own sink, too. This place is amazing. I wish we had brought the kittens.

Last night, we hit the ever-popular Blush lounge. Shawn has been rubbing elbows with the PR girl (wait, what?) and she was generous enough to get us into Blush, the show Le Reve, and the hottest new club in the Encore, XS. Blush was a smaller-than-I-expected lounge, but it had a cool vibe. It was my magical night last night - complimentary champagne and Malibu rum. (Granted, the champagne tasted shockingly similar to Coors Light with sugar, but hey, it was free. Ok, confession, I took one sip and decided the headache as a result of a couple of glasses of this stuff would not be worth it on Saturday, so I dropped $18 on another glass. Dad - I don't want to hear it. xoxo) After about an hour of the best DJ ever, who ran circles around Case's amateur efforts pre-wed Friday at the Undertow - we decided we had enough club people watching and hit one of the hotel bars. There, we played video blackjack until my eyelids shut right there at the bar. Shawn asked if I was sleepy and I said, "Why am I so tired?" He said, "Because it's 5am at home." Ohhhh...you mean it's natural for a (cough) twenty (or thirty) something woman to become sleepy after being awake for 23 hours?

We won nothing on the video blackjack...

Today has been a lovely, but cloudy day. We spent the morning/afternoon at the Cabana lounge and pool. This place is simply fantastic. It is a bar with TV's (teevees) to watch the games, which is fabulous, and there are blackjack and craps tables outside. Plenty of chairs for comfy seating are situated at the pool, and the DJ starts spinning Ibiza style tunes at noon. It was definitely the place to be, especially to see all these hoops fans turn into sharks searching for fresh meat (ladies) at the pool. What better place to judge than at the pool when girls are in swimsuits?

As far as betting, and tourney luck, we are doing ok. Washington, Maryland, and A&M screwed us. I mean, really, who bets for the Aggies anyway? Shawn just walked downstairs wearing his Duke t-shirt to place a bet for Texas to win. We'll see what happens!

I do have one Coach Knight story for the day. Producers called Shawn earlier today to see if Coach would be willing to shoot for Sportscenter earlier than the scheduled 8:30pm. Shawn called Coach (I love how I'm capitalizing it like Coach is his name) and said "Coach, I just want to run someting by you."

Coach's response? CLICK.

Lol! Humor!

About 5 minutes ago, Coach called to apologize for hanging up on Shawn. He said he was so pi$$ed off after coming off the golf course that he didn't want to talk to anybody. Who better to understand this sitch than Fitzy...

More Vegas updates tomorrow!

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Vegas & March Madness - An American Tradition

So, I fooled "all y'all" (yes, that is an acceptable English pronoun). See, I started the first post on March 2nd, but actually did not finish and post until today. Here is today's post. I hope to make this a regular thing. You may not be entertained, but I am easily amused, therefore, writing this blog is entertaining to yours truly.

I am off to Vegas for a 41-days-past mini-moon, if you will. Is there any place better to celebrate anything at the end of March than...drum roll please...VIVAAAAA LAS VEGAS?!

I can't really brag. Shawn is out there for work. He is working with the infamous Coach Bobby Knight. In fact, our producer/glorified babysitter worked with him last week, went back to Vegas Wednesday through the weekend, and will return yet again next Wednesday for another weekend of the God of College Hoops himself.

We are staying at a lush pad known as the Wynn tower suites. You will be able to read a full review after the weekend on Trip Advisor.com, where I first became "published". As well, I am on a scouting trip for Jenn & Wen's Birthday weekend on July 4th of this year. Vegas baby, yeah! (That's an Austin Powers reference, Daddy)

Anyway, I am super nervous to meet Coach Knight. I asked Shawn the other day - what do I say? Do I say "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Coach." Or, do I say, "It's a great honor to meet you Mr. Knight." Do I bring a folding chair and hurl it across the casino then shake his hand? I don't know what to do! I'm afraid he'll yell at me for SOMETHING. I have promised myself not to sport any Duke/Texas/UCLA t-shirts for fear of prompt criticism.

So, I am off to Vegas today. Go ahead - be jealous. Hate hate hate hate hate.....

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Welcome to the blog!

Greetings and welcome to my blog! I had so much fun posting entries and writing for the wedding website, I followed the natural path of developing a blog post-wedding as most of my friends have done. Actually, now that I think about it, most of them waited to start blogging once they had kids. Here, you will only read about kittens.

I would first like to say that we had (to quote many times in The Bachelor) an AMAZING time during the wedding week and the honeymoon. We are filled with sadness that the adventure has come to an end. Yes, I am supposed to say that we are excited about the new chapter, and we are, but I'm still sulking about missing the wedding, 41 days later, so please, let me continue to mourn.

I promised myself I was going to start this blog the minute we returned from the honeymoon, and no such luck. I even took notes on the high-end paper note pad provided by the Ritz Carlton. I felt like a real writer...furiously recording my memories down on paper, but they remain unpublished, to no avail.

Speaking of hotel note pads, I want to thank many of you for your generous compliments regarding our vows at the wedding. I was honored that many of you were so touched. I will have you know, I recorded those vows on paper, the Don CeSar hotel note pad to be exact, that morning. Just letting you know...great note pads can be an inspiration for the wordsmith (thanks, Jenn) in you.

Anyhow, as I figure out the world of blogging, maybe I will go back and create some archives or something. I won't make any promises. Regardless, welcome, and to quote the famous words of a former Dallas Cowboy (if you can call him that) - "Get your popcorn ready."

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