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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

35 is the new mommy

I still haven't fully recovered from the sting of Kris Allen actually winning this past season of American Idol. The fact that someone can win based not based on talent really kills me. That, coupled with a nasty sinus infection has rendered me useless for a few weeks.

Anyway, I just returned from my annual exam with the lady doctor, and I'm really ticked. She asked me if I was TTC (trying to conceive) any time soon, as I had indicated last year that I might start trying right away. When I told her that Shawn and I wanted to wait a few months - like - our first anniversary - she suggested that I "should really think about trying sooner." After all, she droned on, I AM going to be THIRTY-FIVE next year, and if I wait until next year, by the time I give birth I will be THIRTY-FIVE.

...the emphasis on 35 is no accident.

Wait a minute...

You mean I'm going to be 35 next year? Really? Are you sure? Positive? Absolutely positive? Because, quite honestly, I had absolutely zero idea that next year I would be 35, so please, let me completely redo my life plan based on the fact that my gyno reminded me I will be 35.

Here's the thing...

I KNOW I'm going to be 35. I'm fully aware of it. Yes, I am aware and cautious of the risks involved in TTC or giving birth at 35. My question is this: You mean to tell me the minute I turn 35, my chromosomal make-up completely changes thus resulting in a higher risk pregnancy? Like, what if I give birth when I'm 35 and 3 weeks? What if I give birth when I'm 34 years 9 months 2 weeks 5 days and 57 minutes? Does that mean I'm still safe?

I can't help it if all her clients at USF (University of South Florida) are fresh out of Gainesville, at 23, already married, and wantin' to have youngin's. I can't help it if we are living in what is considered the Deep South where Confederate flags still fly and being barefoot, pregnant, and not even getting the car insurance discount because you're not 25 yet is the norm 'round these parts.

...but I'm not bitter.

The fact of the matter is, there are always risks involved, no matter what age, ethnicity, social or financial situation, health matters, etc. Yes, I have studied, and yes, I do know plenty of amazing women who have had successful experiences TTC and having a baby after 35. I know to expect difficulties and that there are no guarantees, but are there really any guarantees in life? No.

I'm still waiting until Feb. 7, 2010.

...and another thing! Why is there a University of South Florida in Tampa, when Tampa is NOT South Florida?! I'm baffled! Please explain!!!

Also, can anyone believe that the Magic are in the NBA Finals? Again...not bitter. Yoga breathing.

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