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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Up All Night, Up All Day

As if I don't need to sleep during the night....

Here is how my evening went:

10pm-ish - Celtics nearly give me heart failure during their game with the Spurs. Thank God they won even though they pretty much deserved to lose given their horrible display the last 3 minutes of the game.

10:30pm - Turn off TV to go to bed

10:40pm - Almost asleep, Shawn nearly chokes on his own saliva a la Jake style because his throat hurts and he doesn't want to swallow. (twss) Find out Rondo DID get a triple-double and go to sleep with a smile on my face. (Note to self: lookup triple-double record and see where Rondo falls into place)

10:50pm - Almost asleep...again, Shawn wakes up to look for a cough drop. I turn on the light to find one. Men really are babies when they are sick.

11:00pm - And again...almost asleep. Shawn wakes up and says "Was that him?!" meaning, Mr. Jake. I get up to check and make sure the monitor is working. Oh ya, it's working, and need I remind you that I wake up to the buzz before the alarm goes off because I'm a light sleeper? (read: I have sleep apnea)

1:00am - I wake up, hear Jake cry out. Wait anxiously to see if I need to pin his arms down to put him back to sleep. I don't. I go back to sleep.

3:00am - I wake up...just...because. I think about all the things I need to remember for today including but not limited to, my writing this blog post. I tell myself 6 times (because Kelli F. always said "6 times committed to memory") that I need to remind myself to send out the last 2 Baby Announcement/Holiday Cards rolled up into a New Years Card, because let's face it, I didn't have time (read: make time) to send out baby announcements or holiday cards, and besides, who wants to kill all those trees?! Anyhow, I remind myself to mail the last 2 cards to my sister-in-law and aunt. Then, I start to wonder when I'm going to write all of those Thank You notes to the generous people who sent me baby gifts (could be you). I mean, I figure it's like a wedding and I have one year to send them (right???). I also think, rather, hope, that I already written the thank yous to my co-workers who attended my shower in May and gave me gifts. Actually, I'm terrified I did NOT write them and I start to think about all the encounters I've had with my co-workers wondering if they think I am a sub-standard human being because I haven't written them a thank you card. I sweat it out and think about the fact that I need to give my friend Lauren a thank you card and include a photo of Jake with the super cute outfit she gave him that he wore for everyone on Thanksgiving.

I continue to think about other things, like why I haven't posted on my blog in awhile to satisfy all 3 followers and to heal myself since it's very therapeutic, and I hope I don't forget all the fantastic ideas I have to post (I did). I also anticipate Jake's somewhat standard 4am wake-up, and know that I have to get him because a) Shawn is sick and b) Shawn is traveling to New Orleans today and has to get up at 6am. I also think that I should take experts' advice and keep a notepad and pen next to my bed so I can write this stuff down and go back to sleep.

4am - Back to sleep.

5:45-ish am - Wake up. I hear Shawn wake up to go feed Mr. Jake.

6:15am - Wake up. Shawn brings Mr. Jake in to lay down and sleep in bed with me, my favorite part of the day.

6:30am - Wake up (did I ever fall back to sleep?) to kiss Shawn goodbye. I initially planned to get up but instead re-set my alarm for 7:30am.

7:15am - Jake wakes up (boo). I go to change his diaper and he pees all over the place, so I take him to the bathroom to bathe him. I leave dried peepee on the drapes and vow to wash or Lysol wipe them later this evening.

7:30am - Turn off alarm. Run around with my head cut off putting together Jake's diaper bag, put on Baby Einstein, feed the kitties, iron my skirt, frantically search for my one white button down shirt. I'm supposed to meet my sitter at work at 9.

8:30am - Still looking for my white shirt. I pick up Jake because he's crying, try to put in my contacts while holding him, drop my last contact. Curse myself for a) not ordering more contacts last week like I told myself to do and b) not sticking to the initial plan of getting up at 6:30am.

9am - I'm super late. Can't find my brown boot. Can't find an extra contact. Re-bathe Jake because he spit up and poo'd everywhere. Curse myself again for not getting up at 6:30am.

10am - Finally make it to work.

Now, nobody can curse me for not returning calls or writing on Facebook walls.

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