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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bumper Sticker Rules & Editing

I had a wealth material from the weekend trip to Boston, none of which I recorded on any sort of device, therefore, my aging mind got the best of me and I have since forgotten everything I was going to write. What a nimrod! Regardless, if the material were that entertaining, I'm sure I would have remembered what to post.

We did have a lovely trip to Boston, and want to thank the Fitz's for throwing us a fabulous party. We also appreciate the entire family making the trek to see us and to Mal Barringer for the most delicious cake. I'm hoping Raegan will keep her promise and figure out how to ship the leftovers to me.

This morning I was driving to work, and the car in front of me caught my eye. The driver had proudly displayed a ginormous & colorful Ball State sticker on the rear window of his car. I'm all for people exhibiting school pride, but the sticker was on a beat up Geo Prizm. It made me chuckle for some reason. Nothing against the beat up Geo Prizm, I drive a beat up Nissan Sentra, but I'm thinking, if you are going to proudly display an obnoxious alma mater sticker on your car, shouldn't you be driving, like, a Maserati or something?

Allow me to clarify obnoxious...

There are subtle bumper stickers that simply state the school name, or maybe are a smaller size of a team logo, or the small color ribbons that represent something like breast cancer, and then there are the obnoxious stickers. You know the ones. They take up the entire rear window of the car, such as the obnoxious orange & blue Gator head, or the sticker where the little kid is peeing on something. I get that you're proud of your school/team/cause - you should be - but is it really necessary to find the biggest bumper sticker around and slap it on your car? Maybe it is...who am I to judge.

Anyway, I think it is a fun game to guess what the owners of such stickers are like. For example, a visitor in our condo building drives an SUV, and I see the car every day. I think it's a Forerunner. Anyhow, the sticker on the back is a Florida Gators sticker, but it's one of the girly stickers that has a fancy font and flowers surrounding the words - if that makes any sense. It looks like this, but is much bigger and takes up the entire rear window:

Continuing...there are a higher number of "young kids" than desired renting units in our building (which is an entirely different topic for another day), and so I naturally assumed this person is a young girl who visits her older, sugar daddy boyfriend or something. No problem - young kid - she likes the girly sticker and it's cute, so why not. Then, I finally see this person yesterday dressed in scrubs and she's about 47 years old. Again, made me chuckle.

I find this representation fascinating. I enjoy trying to guess what people are like by their bumper stickers, and more important, I enjoy a pleasant surprise! Just like when I see an old, crusty, beat up truck with a Pittsburgh Steelers sticker or something, and I think...naturally...a Steelers fan. (Heehee) Or, the person who has all of these "Support America" stickers literally covering their vehicle, and they are driving a Toyota. Not that you can't support America and drive a foreign car, but if you are all gung-ho and outward about it, then you should go American all the way, right? Another favorite example is from Cindi Burck-Alsobrook's observation in Jacksonville, FL. Seeing a woman with "Roar 87" on her custom license plate (because Roar 1-86 were taken?) representing the fact that she was a Jags cheerleader. Finally, we have my personal favorites, the "My kid made the A-B-C-D honor roll at Saddlewood Elementary School" or the "My kid barely made a B+ on his 3rd grade division test" stickers. Typically seen on mini-vans, these descriptive stickers provide something to read during a traffic jam. Again, all fun examples of the game.

To me, bumper stickers & general car decoration tell a lot about a person. Just like the ring tone you choose for your phone. I love the Dallas Cowboys and always had a Cowboys star on the back of my window. I thought about continuing the tradition on my Sentra. So, I look at my Sentra and think, no way am I putting that sticker on my car. I don't want to do the Cowboys or DCC like that. If I'm driving around Tampa with a Dallas Cowboys sticker on my car, then my car is a candy apple red Mercedes Kompressor convertible. Isn't it funny to observe the decisions people make?

Am I making any sense? Probably not. I just enjoy playing the bumper sticker game, and hey, maybe I taught you a new fun car game, too. It
is meant to be lighthearted, so please, do not be too critical of people...except for the lawyers in their sports cars displaying the obnoxious Harvard Law sticker who flashed his lights behind you on the highway while you were driving 85, and then blew past you giving you the finger like you were a grandma (no offense, grandma) in the left lane...you know what I'm talking about.

Moving on, I just read an article in Fox News that caught my eye. As someone who is trying to write more frequently and develop my skills, I had to laugh at the error in this reporter's post:

If you scroll down a bit to the LiLo-SamRo story, you see this: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,512967,00.html

"the 22-year-old was denied entry into the launch party for Charlotte Ronson's JCPenny line at Bar Marmont"

I don't think James Cash Penney would appreciate seeing that.

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