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Friday, May 1, 2009

Unadulturated Hatred

Yesterday, I was talking with Neep, and we were discussing various Neverending Basketball Association players we admire and adore. Of course, I went on a tireless rant about Rajon Rondo, Ray Allen, etc., and I proceeded to "dis" (is it one 's' or 2?) her boys Kobe & Pau Gasol.

Hint: I'm not going to write this blog as if you all do not know who or what I'm talking about. You have Google...use it.

Anyway, I went on and on and this rightfully disturbed my friend. She proceeded to say "Man, I am SO nice to you about people I don't like." For example, Paul Pierce. She said she keeps her thoughts to herself for my sake, and I just say whatever I feel. I said this to pc last night and told him that I have made it my mission to be nicer about people I don't like to Neep (only - baby steps) because she holds back. He said, "Right pm. And you don't hold back - EVER."

As a result, I'm going to make a conscious effort to do this.

So, today, we were discussing this exchange, and she said, "its great though, in contrast, when we can gar on rotags and other weaselly teams and individuals." To which I replied, "there is the occasional misfit that one supports and not the other, also i have an unadulterated hatred for $c for ewe." I went on to say, "What does that MEAN anyway? Unadulterated?"

I mean, we hear people use it all the time, but what does it truly mean? So the definition she found was this: Not mingled or diluted with extraneous matter; pure. See synonyms at pure. Out-and-out; utter: the unadulterated truth.


My thought is this...when you are a child, you are pure. As an adult, you become corrupted and jaded, thus losing all purity you once had as a child. As a result, you are UN-childlike, hence, an adult. Also, it sounds like adultery. (most) People hate adultery because it is not pure.

You following me?

I have unadulterated dislike for the following items: Cilantro, Bugs, and Joakim Noah.

Do you think that Brad Miller (not you, Sours, you're "the guy") has an unadulterated hatred for people who hit him in the mouth?

I wonder if the Celtics are developing an unadulterated hatred for double and triple overtimes? Do you think they might want to go ahead and develop such a hatred so they might actually WIN a game WITHOUT going into OT and keeping me up all hours of the night on the edge of my seat????

...but I'm not bitter.

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