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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Food Food Food

I think about it. I dream about it. I consume it every few hours. We're talking about food. I love food.

Really, though, I was going to mention this funny text I received yesterday on my iPhone. (Isn't it funny how iPhone users don't call it a phone, rather, refer to it by it's proper moniker?) I subscribe to "text tips," if you will, from Self.com. Self.com is a women's magazine focused on...well...self...mind, body, and spirit. Yesterday, I received one that said something to the effect of:

One study shows that participants who ate dark chocolate (before eating pizza) with at least 70% cacao consumed less pizza than those who did not have the chocolate. Make sure to have your dark chocolate before pizza!

I'm thinking to myself (and the other Self), "Self - if I'm trying to lose weight/be healthy/stay in shape, why the hell am I eating chocolate or pizza, let alone together in one sitting?!?!"

I am so easily amused. That text made me laugh. So, you mean to tell me that if I eat a bunch of dark chocolate before I eat pizza, I'll only eat 7 pieces as opposed to 8?

Also, today, a poll on TheNest.com (a site for married chicks) asked "What is your least favorite fast food restaurant?"

Is it sad that I can't name a single one, well, actually, I can only name one, and that is Subway. Ewww. I hate Subway! I remember in high school, when we had off campus lunch privileges our senior year, Julie used to make me go there with her! She always ordered the cold cut combo with creamy Italian dressing. I was forced to choose between the lukewarm meatball or the Subway club. Disgusting.com.

Anyway, I really cannot think of a fast food place I don't enjoy. Many of the girls stated Long John Silvers, KFC, Taco Bell. Speaking of Taco Bell, my beloved husband claims he's never eaten at Taco Hell. Seriously? Who has NEVER eaten at Taco Bell???? That's crazy talk if you ask me. Long John Silvers I loved as a kid. I used to enjoy ordering fish and fries in a little boat and would always ask for extra "crunchies" - the leftover fried dough pieces from the fried fish. Is that bad? KFC, I can't even talk about. Popcorn Chicken? Forget about it. I order the jumbo.

My fast food awards are as follows, and you can agree or disagree. A great man once said, "You're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is wrong." (That man would be Shawn.)

Best Burger:
CA - In and Out
FL - Five Guys
TX - Jack in the Box

Worst Burger:
Anywhere - McDonald's

Best Fries:
A 3-way tie between Wendy's, Chick-Fil-A, Jack In the Box (curly or regular)

Worst Fries:
Five Guys

Best Chicken Tenders:

Best Shakes:
Jack In the Box & Frostee at Wendy's

Worst Shakes:
No such thing

Worst Chicken Tenders:

Best Chicken Sandwich:

Worst Chicken Sandwich:

Best Sandwiches:

Worst Sandwiches:

Best Mexican:
TACO CABANA!!! The black bean nachos are TDF.

Worst Mexican:
Pollo Loco

Best Breakfast:
Whataburger Breakfast Tacos

Worst Breakfast:
McDonald's Pancakes

Honorable Mention:
Arby's - Melts & Fries
Dairy Queen - Everything is good, especially the chicken finger basket & Blizzards
Sonic - Tater Tots!
Dunkin' Donuts - Coffee & Donuts

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me...obsessed with food. I have never eaten at Taco Bell!!
