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Monday, April 20, 2009

NBA: Neverending Basketball Association

I'll admit, I am completely clueless when it comes to the NBA. I have never followed the games, never really picked a team to root for, and I have never paid attention to playoff season...until Shawn.

I was just saying this past weekend how I am absolutely dreading the next two or so months because of the NBA playoffs. The Celtics are in it again this year, and defending their championship status will be a difficult one if KG is not in the game and Jesus Shuttlesworth decides to only score 4 points each game (Thank God for Rajon Rondo - all-star snub of the year 2009). Anyhow, for those of you who know Shawn, you know that this will be a few months of sleepless nights, potentially endless frustration, and a lot of hitting of the pillows. At least the hitting will get the dust off of them.

Anyway, after Saturday's Celtic defeat, we "fondly" relived the memories from last season's playoffs. To recap: the Celtics finally made a legit run for the title after 40 years or something like that, and all (that I knew) were hopeful they would eventually defeat the Lakers. Neep has a deep and unrequited love for her Lakers, so you can imagine that being caught in the middle of the Celtics-Lakers rivalry (aka: fiance-best friend) added more stress to the situation. Oh yes - lest we not forget - that my beloved pc also had a ruptured Achilles last season, as well. It was painful not only to a) have every Celtics game start at 10:30 pm EST every other night when I had to work, get up extra early, etc. b) again, suffer through the agony of any loss, but c) that Shawn had to watch from the couch, on drugs, and not be able to pace in frustration to release some of the anger/tension/energy he desperately needed to release during some of those games. Needless to say, last summer was a nightmare* for me, and I feel like it was just yesterday all this was happening.

Fortunately, all's well that ends well (sorry Neep), and we celebrated a Celtics championship victory in June, on the couch, with champagne, at 1:30 am on a Wednesday night (I think).

So - you can imagine that I shuddered a bit at the first Celtics loss of this playoff season this past Saturday, and, the way in which they lost. I mean, not a big fan (or, at all fan) of Noah (blahhhaggghhh) and Rose (ya ya, phenom, whatevs), thus, it was especially painful for me to hear updates. Which brings me to my next question: Why are the NBA Playoffs so terribly long and agonizing?! If any sport should go on forever the way the NBA does, it's the NCAA Men's Hoops Tournament. I think we can all agree...or...most can agree. I proceeded to ask Shawn last night, just how many stinkin' teams are in the playoffs? When he told me 16 out of 30, I nearly fell out of my chair. SERIOUSLY? How did I not know this, a, and b, you mean to tell me that over half the league gets to enter the playoffs?! At that point, I really felt sorry for Sabrina and her OKC Thunder. I mean, to only have to be slightly over half good? That's too bad, especially since Kevin Durant is phenom, IMO.

I couldn't believe it...16 teams out of 30. They start in April, end in June. I hear wives/girlfriends/baby momma's complain all the time about playoffs and sporting events and their men spending endless time in front of the TV (teevee) watching games, but none is so terribly lengthy and again, agonizing, as the NBA playoffs. I also have bad memories of the playoff season, but we won't go there.

At least tonight's game starts at 7pm EST. You know where to find me.

For more on the subject, please read the following by ESPN's Bill Simmons:

Yeah...what he said...

*=potential exaggeration

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