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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Playoffs Why

It has been a few days since my last entry, and I am sorry to have gotten off rhythm, so to speak. A lot has been happening, particularly in my little sports world bubble, not to mention all my worry with the Swine Flu. That is probably for another day.

First, since it is fresh on my mind, I would like to address the significant increases in my stress and anxiety levels, courtesy of the Boston Celtics. I had two heart attacks in one week - ONE WEEK! Sunday, the Celtics caused me nothing but grief and dispair in their losing battle to the young yubs.

Can I just say this...I do not like Noah. I sports hate him. (pc tells me this is ok to say - maybe I've said this before - I don't care - I'm saying it again)

Anyway, between Sunday and last night? Are you kidding me? If I have to watch one more Celtics OT, I'm quitting the Celtics.

Did I mention that I am not even an NBA fan?!

What hurts the most is that I'll probably end up disappointed. I'll feel like I just got dumped when the Celtics eventually lose. I pray for a miracle every day in that KG and Powe will miraculously return. Although, you have to give it to the Celtics and their bench. They have kept fighting all along. Yes, making stupid mistakes, like Marbury's missed opp and Tony Allen's foul last night, but they keep working at it.

Why do I even care? One friend pointed out on FB that I'm not even from Boston!

Also, what a PHENOM Rondo has been. I'm going to make a t-shirt that says "I liked Rondo when Rondo wasn't cool" because I truly believe I am the OG fan. I made the first t-shirt, with iron on letters (yes, you can still find those), and I accidentally put on the D backwords so I had to cover each letter with puffy paint. Did that prevent me from showing it off and even telling Rondo himself the story in Grand Cayman? No. He rocks the party. Rondo Fitzgerald for a little boy's name...hmm???

In other news, the Bucs and the NFL Draft was exciting enough to pay attention and have a reaction. I did have the opportunity to meet our latest QB addition, Josh Freeman. I told Amy (my co-worker) I would pay her $1000 to propose to him during the meet and greet. I knew she would choke. (Thank God, secretly, I don't have $1000 to just throw out like candy.)

The draft and all the excitment surrounding the Bucs has kept me a busy bee! If anyone wants season tickets, we have a killer schedule....

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