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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Triple Double Rondo

Go Celtics. What's with all the knee injuries, though? Depressing.

Last night, there was a promo on TNT to have a shot at playing one-on-one with D-Wade. Shawn apparently had a phenom game at the HIC, and has become the object of admiration from one of his hoops brothers. I promptly encouraged him, after hearing about his phenomenal athletic ability yesterday, to text the number and win a chance to go against D-Wade. He said "absolutely not." However, he did state that he would have a chance against Kobe (silent-e). Consider that a challenge, mister.

The schedule was in our favor last night with the Celtics playing at 7pm EST, ending close to 10pm, and giving us the opportunity to watch the best show EVER - 24. All I wanted to cry out was "Say it ain't so - Tony! Say it ain't so!" I sure was mubbed. I'm not looking forward to seeing what this blonde bimbo who persuaded him to join the dark side is all about (I'm convinced this is what happened). I would really like to see her and Olivia get into a violent cat fight resulting only in death. How's that for excitement...

I did make a comment that once 24 is over, the only shocking twist that remains would be the death of JB. (I can't really say it out loud) Shawn wasn't happy that I mentioned the potential ending of 24. I agree - I wish it would go on forever.

Disco night on Idol. I very much love Disco, and may even dress up for the occasion. I might also start a Twitter campaign to save Matt Giraud aka: T-Lake Junior. Yes, I realize some of you have pointed out that you thought his voice was too off-key last week. Again, I say to that, "You're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is wrong!"

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